Extra Extra September 8


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study & Small Groups

by: Vicki Anderson



Extra! Extra!






Secret Sisters 

Launch – Sunday September 8th; Reveal February 9th 

Please see Claudette for information




Women’s Breakfast

Saturday September 14th @ 11AM – Potluck;

 Childcare available – Sign Up in Foyer



Sunday School Outreach Project

Sunday School classes are 

collecting New and gently used blankets 

for the homeless at Dorothy Day Center



Men’s Breakfast

Saturday September 21st  @ 10AM 

– Sign Up in Foyer



Please talk to Eric Englund about the library !



Blog comments will be sent to the moderator

Extra! Extra!






Secret Sisters 

Launch – Sunday September 8th; Reveal February 9th 

Please see Claudette for information




Women’s Breakfast

Saturday September 14th @ 11AM – Potluck;

 Childcare available – Sign Up in Foyer



Sunday School Outreach Project

Sunday School classes are 

collecting New and gently used blankets 

for the homeless at Dorothy Day Center



Men’s Breakfast

Saturday September 21st  @ 10AM 

– Sign Up in Foyer



Please talk to Eric Englund about the library !



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