Extra Extra Septmber 15


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study & Small Groups

by: Vicki Anderson



Extra! Extra!



Sunday School Outreach Project

Sunday School classes are 

collecting New and gently used blankets and clothing (includes coats, socks, gloves, hats …)   

for the homeless at Dorothy Day Center



Men’s Breakfast

Saturday September 21st  @ 10AM 

– Sign Up in Foyer





Library will be opening!! 

Please see Eric Englund for information 



Pastor Appreciation Month is October 

Envelopes will be available to use for monetary gift for Pastor Don throughout the month of October, A check will be presented on the last Sunday of October and a Potluck will be shared to celebrate with Pastor Don and Georgia


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Extra! Extra!



Sunday School Outreach Project

Sunday School classes are 

collecting New and gently used blankets and clothing (includes coats, socks, gloves, hats …)   

for the homeless at Dorothy Day Center



Men’s Breakfast

Saturday September 21st  @ 10AM 

– Sign Up in Foyer





Library will be opening!! 

Please see Eric Englund for information 



Pastor Appreciation Month is October 

Envelopes will be available to use for monetary gift for Pastor Don throughout the month of October, A check will be presented on the last Sunday of October and a Potluck will be shared to celebrate with Pastor Don and Georgia


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