March Updates


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study & Small Groups

by: Debra Baker



Extra! Extra!

March 9, 2025 – Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 9-16 – Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions


Sunday School Outreach Program

Thank you to everyone for their love, support and prayers for our Children's Outreach Programs. We have successfully completed the Blanket Drive and the Blessing Bags for the homeless.  Patti Rewey delivered the Christmas Cards the children made to the Senior Citizen Highrise she lives in. They were received by all with great joy. 

A new Children's Outreach for Sunday School 2025 is yet to be determined. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  It needs to be geared toward children. My Sunday School class was not as enthusiastic about the Blessing Bags for Adults as I had hoped. They said there were no toys to pick from.  Please pray about this decision and help us to decide on a new project.   As always, your support is greatly appreciated. Donations are always welcome. These projects are not funded by Church money.   Thanks again for your support. 

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

  2 Corinthians 9:7

 Blessings to all,

Jo Bunn, Nursery/Sunday School Coordinator

Cards to Brighten a Day

Pat Jemie loves to receive cards, if anyone would like to send her a card, especially now as she is settling into her new home, please connect with Claudette Sergent

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Extra! Extra!

March 9, 2025 – Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 9-16 – Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions


Sunday School Outreach Program

Thank you to everyone for their love, support and prayers for our Children's Outreach Programs. We have successfully completed the Blanket Drive and the Blessing Bags for the homeless.  Patti Rewey delivered the Christmas Cards the children made to the Senior Citizen Highrise she lives in. They were received by all with great joy. 

A new Children's Outreach for Sunday School 2025 is yet to be determined. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  It needs to be geared toward children. My Sunday School class was not as enthusiastic about the Blessing Bags for Adults as I had hoped. They said there were no toys to pick from.  Please pray about this decision and help us to decide on a new project.   As always, your support is greatly appreciated. Donations are always welcome. These projects are not funded by Church money.   Thanks again for your support. 

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

  2 Corinthians 9:7

 Blessings to all,

Jo Bunn, Nursery/Sunday School Coordinator

Cards to Brighten a Day

Pat Jemie loves to receive cards, if anyone would like to send her a card, especially now as she is settling into her new home, please connect with Claudette Sergent

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