prayer list
- Randy Nelson – has 2 tears in his rotator cuff tendon - will have arthroscopic surgery on Friday, March 14, 2025
- Ruth Meaway - important personal decisions
- Dori Knuth (Millett) - her daughter Janelle passed away
- Jenny Senger - uncle Darren in a car accident, lots of broken bones
- Brian Bartle – his dad Marlin recovers from his heart attack and that his living condition will be suitable
- Annie Hallman – sister Kathy for salvation and depression – Annie’s brother-in-law that he gets into rehab and his salvation and his son Matt
- Chap – pray for strength and healing of his back and ribs
- Brian Olson – he was a former church member’s son – fell off a roof doing work, had multiple injuries, after a few weeks in hospital he is now at home in a body cast – keep him in prayer
- Raymond Hayes – Raymond’s brother’s wife Sandra had a heart attack, they had to put two stints in her heart and a pump, took pump out, might have to put a pace maker in and a defibrillator - that would stay in for 4-5 days and then they would take it out. If the pacemaker doesn’t work like it should she might have to have a heart transplant.
- Jeff Deden – for salvation for relatives, family members, and friends; Jeff’s health – continue prayers for heart condition which is doing good. – Jeff Deden’s oldest son Jason got in a skiing accident – broke 7 ribs, pray for healing.
- Darryl and Jo Bunn – Charlie – salvation; friend – Jo’s sister, Liz – continued healing, she is in a special care hospital for rehab and is laughing and joking again. Pray for her husband, Bill. – Darryl – friend Hamid is improving from his broken neck, pray for salvation. Pray for Megan - co-worker died, pray for family, 8 year old child found his dead mother.
- Naresh & Jyothi Gantasala – Naresh is home from India, wife and girls gone 2 more weeks.
- Ann Faffler – hip issues
- Bill and Joan Kildow – Bill – skin cancer, medical treatment in progress; Joan – ambulatory issues
- Brian & Sharon Lackie – health concerns
- Judy Iverson – health
- Jerry Lee - pray for health - stints are blocked, may need surgery (David & Jordan Delich's father)
- Griffin Pocock – family; friend – pray for Emilio - Maria; friends – Tom and Amber had their baby. Step dad, Jim – had a stroke, not a believer – pray for salvation and healing. Pray for young adult Bible study on Monday nights.
- Patti Rewey –prayer for her MS; son – Jordon - recovery; son Derrick – salvation, he is home recovering from pneumonia; granddaughter – Sophie – health problems
- Jack Bluel – pray for healing for his hands - neighbors – Jim, recently lost his wife; Ken asked for prayer for what is concerning him – Jack’s brother-in-law Rick – for his salvation.
- Leslie Oliver – family relations to be restored
- Tim Muscha – His mother Sophia may need open heart surgery, now in the hospital in Fargo, North Dakota. sister – Peggy Schmidt – ovary cancer
- Luann Raymond – daughter – Hailey – health concerns, undergoing growth hormone treatment, which include daily shots. Also, Donna Eberharty
- Cathy Nelson–son – Jerry and family, Jerry’s wife Tammy passed away Monday September 16th; daughter– Heidi- struggling with drug addiction; granddaughters – Chloe and Molly – Heidi’s daughters, dealing with their mother and her addiction
- Keith Ehrmantraut – Keith's middle daughter, Alanna - health issues/diabetes, grandson Peter’s left hip – went to doctor, getting MRI, pray for doctor to get right diagnosis and for his pain, he is scheduled for surgery in April – pray for Becky’s brother-in-law Allen – had a triple bypass surgery, went to care center– pray for Keith’s hand – has a blood clot in artery – and problems with left foot. Becky - surgery - cancer on forehead
- Sean and Julie Lynch – granddaughter – Alvira –Soto Syndrome, is doing better, please continue prayers for her continued progress; daughter – Katelyn MS is really bad, affecting her ability to walk, daughters – Kelsie and Natalie
- Randy & Tamara Nelson – health concerns for Tamara, she is seeing a cardiologist, can't breathe or walk very well
- Brenda Sabistina –nephew Tom and Sarah were married on 1/25/25 – pray for their marriage
- Sheila Buckhanan – granddaughter – Madison – heart surgery, this will be the 7th surgery; grandson – Ayden- Lyme Disease affecting his eyesight and brain, lots of headaches from it; mother – Joy Jessen- health concerns – supposed to have knee surgery; father - Esme – MS, daughter – Jessica 2 upcoming surgeries, for overall health to ensure surgery and recovery from surgeries; Sheila – chest pain; cousin (Laura) and aunt (Rose) –Laurie Jessen – she has the worst kind of leukemia, Rose Jordan and Family – prayers for strength and peace, health concerns as well.
- Cynthia and Bob Leslie – daughter – Krisandra – prayer for home; family members and friends – Gabby, Cassandra, Gizelle, Brandon
- Jim Wetch–prayers for severe leg problems
- Ron Weber – health concerns, waiting to be place on another transplant list (has been placed on one); Ron’s, Rick’s, and Dawn’s brother – John – serious heart condition
- Danielle Wetch – health issues with her liver
- Paul Schnacky – daughter – Nicky – salvation – that she would continue to build her life in Jesus. She is now at a new facility located in St. Paul – prayers for strength to continue her healing journey.
- Emilio Medina – friend – Anthony – salvation
- Janine Olson - Please pray for unsaved family members,
- Joan Johnson – heart concerns, Joan’s friend Carolyn’s husband Roger has diabetes and his body has been filling up with fluids, not sure he will live long. Joan's grandson, Michael - serious illness
- Heather Trenter – prayers for her dealing with family struggles; daughter – Danielle, to come to know God
- Vani Gummadi – son - Sundeep – depression and anxiety
- Hadama Oubda and Family – to be reunited in America, needing proper credentials
- Samantha Peterson –starting cancer treatments
- Andy Ludwig – Jessica Sergent’s brother has leukemia. It was in remission and cancer is back. He is in Texas trying to get in a trial treatment to slow the cancer.
- Ernest and Claudette Sergent – son-in-law – Uchendu – difficulty sleeping, his work as a pilot takes him out of town overnight frequently; daughter - Sandra – health concerns; friend Amy Brigadier’s husband – Dan - recent surgery to get rid of an infection, will be out of work for awhile – keep him in prayer– . Friend Ruth Welter – her 98 year old mother passed away last Tuesday, keep Ruth and her family in prayer.
Please keep in prayer: Chaos in Haiti; Israel; Our deacons; TCFMN and the Vietnamese Baptist Church; All of our senior citizens whom we miss worshiping with in person. Our country. Our missionaries, veterans, active members of the military, police officers, firefighters, chaplains, all those whose job puts them on the front lines; Our Bethel Ministries: Worship Team, Children’s Ministries, Youth, All Bible Studies, AV Team, Leadership Team, Outreach, Vision, Prayer Chain, Hospitality, Evangelism Training, Staff, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, King’s Kids, King’s Kids 2, VBS
Please send prayer requests and updates throughout the week to the church office via phone or email
Prayer Chain Requests – contact Claudette Sergent